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22 Vista | 0 Commenti
Molto tempo

Identità personale

Age45 anni
qui aRelazione seria
livello accademicoLaurea triennale
Paese Germania
City Reichenbach/Vogtland, Saxony
origine Germania
Stato civilesingolo
JobNon specificato

Il mio fisico e +

In cerca di femmina
Colore occhi blue
Colore capelli Blonde
Tipo di corpo Normale
Formato 175 cm
peso 70 Kg
Avere figli No
Vuoi avere figli
Mosso dall'amore
La religioneateo

un po 'di me

If I should describe myself then I would say about myself that has shaped my life, I am content with what I have, I love life and love, honesty and faithfulness are very important to me, claims are growing in the Life and keep you in life mostly small, I do not strive for wealth that is transient, culture and education, however, remain and let the man in its development. Some say that one is still a child, but rather a child, than a frustrated adult. We set ourselves the limits of life, a

Cosa mi aspetto dal mio partner

Man looking for woman, you should appreciate the little things in life, modesty should not be unknown in your life, real values like culture, education and family should not be missing. You can leave fear of dogs at home, I do not live alone. Child planning should play a role in your life. Tolerance in all circumstances is important to me, biases and aloofness you can bury. You should know what love means in good and bad times. If you are looking for a breadwinner, you will take care of yourself

I criteri che dovrebbero essere rispettati

Nessun criterio è stato personalizzato

Conoscere me


Non specificatoNon specificato

Gusti musicali

Non specificato

Sport preferiti

Non specificato


Non specificato

Come animali domestici?

Dogs, Angie, Amadeus

Bevi alcolici?

Sì, con moderazione

Cucine preferite

Non specificato

Film preferito

Non specificato

Canzone preferita

Non specificato



Servizi gratuiti


100% gratuito

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